Monday, August 31, 2009

Shadows of the Rainbow

Absorbed under the debris of my dream,
perfidious roads I had walked,
signs drew caught in a gleam,
Here, I know not what I thought:

Deception, an understatement
Violence, simply a prelude
Truth, facade of inveiglement
Probity, gone kaput.

Impudence, purchased for filial piety
Profligacy, new prototype of propriety
Gratitude, forfeited for avariciousness
Virtue, consummated from calumniousness.

Were these unequivocal imbroglios
ensconcing something ominous?
Or, may be just puerile blasphemies
emanating from an ignoramus.


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Tuesday, August 18, 2009

An amorous confession

How does a person influence your life so much? How do two complete strangers suddenly become inseparable? Why does it matter so much when that special person says or does things that mean the world to you? Why without whose one look, does nothing else matter?
He calls me a hopeless romantic.
If being so, makes me feel alive, then so be it.
I once took a bucket full of stars and poured it all on his lap. He asked, "Where are the stars, darling?". I smiled, and said, "their in your eyes, honey!". He smiled and shook his head, he knew there was no cure to what I suffered, they called it love these days.
I stayed back when you left and called your name in hope you'd hear it some day. People said don't hold your breath, love like that only happens in the movies. I said "I wouldn't know, I am only a fool".
But then you came, and called my name, I laughed, rejoiced and told the world, "Ah! what I wouldn't do to be a fool once all over again."

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Thought of You

Emanated warmth from a winter's chill
I searched
dawn came empty, bare silence of night still;
cautiously knowing,
fickle always,
imprudent disguise,
unavailing entice,
I shut my eyes
pretentiously amused
Its always you
